Presidential Debate: Time, Location, and Moderator Details - Lauren Ranken

Presidential Debate: Time, Location, and Moderator Details

Presidential Debate Details: What Time Is The Presidential Debate

Debate debates candidates insight plans

The first presidential debate of the 2024 election will be held on September 29, 2024, at 9:00 PM Eastern Time. The debate will take place at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana. The moderator for the debate will be Chris Wallace of Fox News.

Debate Format

The debate will be divided into six segments, each lasting approximately 15 minutes. The segments will cover a range of topics, including the economy, healthcare, climate change, and foreign policy. The candidates will each have two minutes to respond to each question, and there will be time for rebuttals and follow-up questions.

Audience, What time is the presidential debate

The debate will be broadcast live on all major television networks and cable news channels. It is expected to draw a large audience, as it will be the first time that the two candidates have faced off in a public forum.

Key Issues and Topics

What time is the presidential debate

What time is the presidential debate – The upcoming presidential debate is expected to cover a wide range of key issues that are at the forefront of voters’ minds. These issues are likely to shape the direction of the country for years to come, and the candidates’ positions on them will be closely scrutinized.

One of the most pressing issues is the economy. The country is still reeling from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and many voters are struggling to make ends meet. The candidates will need to present clear plans for how they will address the economic challenges facing the nation.

Another major issue is healthcare. The cost of healthcare is rising, and many people are struggling to afford the care they need. The candidates will need to present their plans for making healthcare more affordable and accessible.

Climate change is also a major issue that the candidates will need to address. The effects of climate change are already being felt around the world, and the candidates will need to present their plans for addressing this global threat.

These are just a few of the key issues that the candidates are likely to discuss in the debate. The candidates’ positions on these issues will have a major impact on the future of the country, and voters will need to carefully consider their choices before casting their ballots.

The Economy

The economy is one of the most important issues facing the country. The candidates will need to present clear plans for how they will address the economic challenges facing the nation.

  • One of the biggest challenges facing the economy is the rising cost of living. The candidates will need to present plans for how they will make it more affordable for people to live in the country.
  • Another major challenge is the rising national debt. The candidates will need to present plans for how they will reduce the debt and put the country on a more sustainable fiscal path.
  • The candidates will also need to address the issue of job creation. The country has lost millions of jobs due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the candidates will need to present plans for how they will create new jobs and get people back to work.


Healthcare is another major issue that the candidates will need to address. The cost of healthcare is rising, and many people are struggling to afford the care they need.

  • One of the biggest challenges facing the healthcare system is the rising cost of prescription drugs. The candidates will need to present plans for how they will make prescription drugs more affordable.
  • Another major challenge is the lack of access to affordable health insurance. The candidates will need to present plans for how they will make health insurance more affordable and accessible.
  • The candidates will also need to address the issue of the uninsured. Millions of people in the country do not have health insurance, and the candidates will need to present plans for how they will provide health insurance to all Americans.

Climate Change

Climate change is also a major issue that the candidates will need to address. The effects of climate change are already being felt around the world, and the candidates will need to present their plans for addressing this global threat.

  • One of the biggest challenges facing the country is the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The candidates will need to present plans for how they will reduce emissions and transition to a clean energy economy.
  • Another major challenge is the need to adapt to the effects of climate change. The candidates will need to present plans for how they will help communities prepare for and adapt to the effects of climate change, such as rising sea levels and extreme weather events.
  • The candidates will also need to address the issue of climate justice. Climate change is disproportionately affecting marginalized communities, and the candidates will need to present plans for how they will address this issue.

Debate Format and Structure

What time is the presidential debate

The presidential debate will follow a structured format, with specific rules and procedures governing the conduct of the debate.

Opening Statements

The debate will commence with opening statements from both candidates. Each candidate will have a set amount of time, typically around two minutes, to deliver their opening remarks. These statements provide an opportunity for the candidates to introduce themselves, state their key messages, and set the tone for the debate.

Body of the Debate

The body of the debate will consist of a series of moderated discussions on predetermined topics. The topics will be announced in advance, allowing the candidates to prepare their responses. Each topic will be addressed in a specific order, with each candidate having an equal amount of time to present their views and respond to questions from the moderator.

Closing Statements

The debate will conclude with closing statements from both candidates. Each candidate will have a set amount of time, typically around two minutes, to summarize their key points, reiterate their positions, and thank the moderator and audience.

Rules and Procedures

The debate will be moderated by a neutral party, who will enforce the rules and procedures. These rules typically include:

  • Time limits for each candidate’s responses
  • Restrictions on interruptions
  • Guidelines for respectful and civil discourse

Debate Structure

The following table Artikels the structure of the debate, including the order of topics and speakers:

Topic Speaker Order
Economic Policy Candidate A, Candidate B
Foreign Policy Candidate B, Candidate A
Climate Change Candidate A, Candidate B

The first presidential debate of the 2023 election cycle is scheduled to take place on September 29, 2023, at 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time. For more information on the upcoming presidential debate this week , including the candidates’ positions on the issues, be sure to check out our comprehensive coverage.

Did you know that the presidential debate will be held tonight? It’s going to be an exciting event, so make sure you tune in. If you’re looking for something to do before the debate starts, check out the Indiana Fever vs Sky game.

It’s sure to be a great game, so don’t miss it! And don’t forget to come back here after the game to catch the presidential debate.

To witness the unfolding political discourse, one must tune in at the appointed time. If you seek to partake in the spectacle, I direct you to watch presidential debate , where the candidates’ ideas and rhetoric will be laid bare.

Mark your calendars and set your reminders to not miss this pivotal moment.

The much-anticipated presidential debate is scheduled to begin at 9:00 PM EST tonight. In the meantime, sports fans may want to catch up on the recent Washington Mystics vs. Indiana Fever timeline. The game was a thrilling back-and-forth affair that came down to the final seconds.

Now, back to the presidential debate: remember to tune in at 9:00 PM EST for all the political action.

The upcoming presidential debate has everyone buzzing, but have you marked your calendars? For those wondering “what time is the presidential debate,” the answer is just around the corner. To be precise, you can tune in to what time is the debate tonight for all the latest updates and insights.

So, set your alarms and prepare for an unforgettable political spectacle!

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